To find the right factory in China: you have to kiss many frogs before finding a princess
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- Main topics covered in this episode:
Living in Taiwan for 25 years
Designing and manufacturing electronic products, IOT
Being advice by a friend to choose Taiwan over Beijing a long time ago...
IOT: avoid having too many features, do one thing but do it very well
Taiwan ecosystem, HTC, Acer, Asus
OEM, ODM, the taiwanese strategy
Being a young MBA Teacher, starting the local office of a design company
Doing sales in Chinese, not relying on guanxi / relationships
The benefits of being an intrapreneur: being paid to learn, hire, manage, find clients…
Starting a company, staying confident before business picks up
Focusing on B2B devices over consumer electronics, a competitive market
Manufacturing for 80% in China, 20% in Taiwan
How to choose the right factory and build a long term relationship
Electronic manufacturing China alternatives (comparison of several countries: Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand...)
Other episodes mentioned:
(in French) Philippe Chiu, Unabiz, how to avoid the cemetery of IOT POCs
(in French) Pascal Viaud, Ubik, the semi-conductor industry, TSMC, Taiwan
Keesjan (Case) Engelen on Linkedin